Thursday 7 May 2015

Word of the week: LODESTAR - Слово тижня: ПРОВІДНА ЗОРЯ

Word of the week: LODESTAR - ПРОВІДНА ЗОРЯ

Мені здається, що серед останніх слів із виписаного словничка це найбільш надихає і найкраще підходить для першого слова тижня.

LODESTAR [COUNTABLE] MAINLY LITERARY a principle that always influences or directs your actions (rule, convention, law), something that serves as a guide or on which the attention is fixed, “guiding light”.
The party manifesto is no longer the lodestar it used to be. (Cambridge Online Dictionary).
The idea of public service has been a lodestar for her throughout her life. (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
In legal texts this term is coined to the amount obtained by multiplying the reasonable amount of hours spent by an attorney working on a case by the reasonable hourly billing rate for purposes of calculating an award of attorney's fees.
Under the lodestar method, the most heavily weighted multipliers are the time and labor required.  

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