Friday 8 May 2015

Idioms - a brush with the law - проблеми з законом

Idioms - (to have) a (close) brush with the law - мати проблеми із законом

To have a brush with something, such as the law, means to have a short experience of a dangerous, undesirable or unpleasant situation.
Ідіому "a brush with", як правило, вживають, коли виникає небезпечна, небажана чи геть неприємна ситуація, якої спромоглися уникнути чи наслідки якої були не настільки погані, як могли б бути. Тому варіантів перекладу може бути дуже багато, залежно від конкретного контексту. 

Стосовно "a brush with the law" найчастіше бачу і чую варіант "мати проблеми із законом", але є також "конфлікт, неприємності із законом", "неприємний досвід із законом" і більш розмовне "мати неприємнощі із законом".

He had a brush with the law for speeding two years ago; however, he has had a clean record ever since.
Was that his first brush with the law? - No, as far as I know, that man had a few brushes with the law when he was a teenager, but nothing that serious.

Other uses of “brush” in this meaning:
My brother had a brush with death on the motorway. ("ледь не загинув", "уникнув смерті")
Ann had a brush with the police during the protest. ("сутичка, проблеми з поліцією")

The receptionist and the owners were really friendly and helpful. However, we had a bad brush with one of the staff. ("неприємна ситуація з одним із працівників")
Last week we went to an exhibition named "A Brush With The War", where military art from Korea to Afghanistan was shown. ("досвід війни", "контакт із війною")

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